1st Annual Safety in Spine Surgery Month | Online CME
April 2021
Chairman: Michael Vitale, MD
Co-Chairmen: John Flynn, MD; Roger Härtl, MD; Larry Lenke, MD; Rajiv Sethi, MD
Learn More & Get Involved
It is the belief of the program directors that all major healthcare stakeholders are obligated to invest their expertise and funds to dramatically enhance patient safety.
- Watch our safety tip videos, which are posted daily to social media and weekly to our website.
- Attend Webinars—Sign up to attend the webinars on April 15 & April 29. The Best New Methodologies and Techniques to Enhance Safety in Spine Surgery award winners will present live.
- Contribute Your Ideas—Get active on social media during the month of April using #SafetyinSpineSurgery and #S3P. We welcome your tips, questions, and best practices!
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Safety in Spine Surgery: First Do No Harm—Webinar Series
Chairman: Michael Vitale, MD
Co-Chairmen: John Flynn, MD; Roger Härtl, MD; Larry Lenke, MD; Rajiv Sethi, MD
April 15, 2021 | 7:00-9:00 pm EDT
Safety in Spine Surgery: Checklists and Guidelines Which Make Spine Surgery Safer
Webinar recording available on Videos page.
April 29, 2021 | 7:00-9:00 pm EDT
Safety in Spine Surgery: Leveraging the Team to Make Spine Surgery Safer
Webinar recording available on Videos page.
About the Safety Month
Statistics showing high numbers of medical and surgical errors have recently been highlighted by US government agencies, medical societies, patient groups, and throughout the media. These errors cause unnecessary human suffering, damage the reputation of the medical community, and dramatically increase costs.
Founded and directed by the Safety in Spine Surgery Project (S3P), and chaired by Michael Vitale, MD, the goal of this project is to improve safety in spine surgery by sharing guidelines, techniques, and protocols that make care better, and to share lessons learned from participants who developed specific, successful safety protocols.
This will be accomplished by the partnership of S3P with surgeons, medical professionals, medical device companies, and hospitals.
Contact Kate Laney via phone (630-681-1040 x 301) or email