S3P-Certified Surgeons
The Surgeons listed have commited themselves to following best practices associated with improving spine surgery Quality, Safety and Value.
Jean-Christophe Leveque
JC Leveque is an attending surgeon at the Neurological Institute at Virginia Mason Medical Center in Seattle, Washington. His area of expertise include complex spinal surgery, pituitray tumors, peripheral nerve surgery, and minimally invasive spine surgery. Dr. Leveque graduated from Amhert College with a degee in neuroscience and attended Duke University Medical School He completed a neurosurgery residency and MORE...- Courses: Safety in Spine Surgery Summit
- Website: https://www.virginiamason.org/jean-christophe-a-leveque-md

Barlon Lonner
Dr. Lonner is a Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery and attending Spine Surgeon at Mount Sinai Medical Center, NYC. He attended the prestigious, accelerated 6-year Medical Program at Boston University. He completed his general surgery internship at Mount Sinai Hospital and then his Orthopaedic Surgery training at Montefiore Medical Center and his Scoliosis and Spine Surgery training at the Hospital MORE...- Courses: Safety in Spine Surgery Summit
- Website: https://www.scoliosisassociates.com/about-us/meet-dr-lonner/

Christopher Mandigo
Dr. Mandigo earned his medical doctorate from the College of Physicians and Surgeons where he graduated Alpha Omega Alpha. He completed his Neurological Surgery Internship, Residency and Chief Residency at the Neurological Institute of New York, Columbia University. Dr. Mandigo’s practice is devoted to spinal deformity, degenerative spine disease, intervertebral disc disease, spinal column tumors and spinal cord tumors. MORE...- Courses: Safety in Spine Surgery Summit
- Website: http://columbiaspine.org/doctor/christopher-e-mandigo/

Paul McCormick
Dr. McCormick is the Gallen Professor of Neurological Surgery at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He is also the Director of The Spine Hospital at The Neurological Institute of New York. Dr. McCormick graduated from Columbia University and received his medical degree from Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. He performed research at the National Institutes MORE...- Courses: Safety in Spine Surgery Summit
- Website: http://columbiaspine.org/doctor/paul-c-mccormick/

Praveen Mummameni
Dr. Praveen Mummaneni is the Director of the Cervical Spine Program, Director of the Minimally Invasive Spine Program, Director of the Minimally Invasive and Complex Spine Fellowship Program, Co-Director of the UCSF Spine Center, and Vice-Chair of the Department of Neurosurgery. Dr. Mummaneni specializes in complex cervical spine surgery for C1-2 pathologies and instability, cervicothoracic kyphosis, cervical myelopathy and MORE...- Courses: Safety in Spine Surgery Summit
- Website: http://neurosurgery.ucsf.edu/index.php/about_us_faculty_mummaneni.html