Welcome to the Safety in Spine Surgery Month, Week 2!

We had some amazing videos sharing the message about safety in spine surgery, with both top-level commentary as well as practical tips. This week our daily safety tip videos were seen by over 11,000 people, and our overall audience grew by 40%. Highlights included:
- Dr. Lehman asked us, “Why is it safer to fly in an airplane than to have surgery?,” in his video on Safety By the Numbers.
- Prof Carl-Eric Aubin shared about the biomechanical considerations in assessing spinal instrumentation for safety.
- Vafa Jamali from Zimmer Biomet shared about their support of the Safety month.
- Dr. Hey shared about the importance of spine surgery checklists, including a link to the downloadable checklists he’s created.
- And finally, Dr. Elowitz explained the connections between communication, patient safety, and medical malpractice.
Several of these daily tip videos are taken from longer talks presented at past Safety in Spine Surgery Summits. Did you know we have a library of these talks that you can browse & watch for free? Visit the videos tab on our website, or start here with the 2020 Safety Summit videos.
We also had over 500 people register for the April 15 webinar Checklists & Guidelines Which Make Spine Surgery Safer, which featured 4 of our Award Winners for the Best New Methodologies and Techniques to Enhance Safety in Spine Surgery, as well as a “who’s who” of surgeon leaders representing spine safety efforts from leading societies including the SRS, AANS, and POSNA.
We want to thank this week’s contributors, as well as this week’s partner organizations: NewYork-Presbyterian, Medtronic, Zimmer Biomet, NeuroPoint Alliance, Hey Clinic, and CareGuard.
We want to hear from you, too! Post safety tips or questions on your own social media—tag us, and you might win a $100 gift card! Winners are drawn each week from all social media channels.